Why is Tax Day on a Tuesday this year?

It just happens that April 15, the normal deadline, falls on a Saturday this year. The next day, Sunday April 16, is D.C. Emancipation Day — commemorating the day in 1862 when the District of Columbia freed 3,000 enslaved people, nine months before Emancipation was declared nationally. But because that holiday falls on Sunday this year, it's being observed in Washington D.C. on Monday — April 17. Which brings us up to Tuesday, April 18.

If you need help with taxes, file an extension using the link our website HometownAccountant.com/tax-preparation or click here 1040.com/?did=299808 then contact us at 352-358-1413 or taxes@hometownaccountant.com to prepare your return before the extension expires.

REMEMBER, payments are due regardless of extension of time to file! You can make extimated payments at payusatax.com/drakepaytax or IRS.gov/payments
