Surprise! You owe taxes!
Everyone loves surprises, right?!? What if that surprise was a bigger tax bill next Spring? Not so much, huh? Don’t get caught owing more...
2018 Tax Return Deadline Extended!!!
IRS Provides Additional Day to File and Pay for Taxpayers Through Wednesday, April 18; IRS Processing Systems Back Online The Internal...
IRS Phone Scam Intensifies During Filing Season
As taxpayers are working to file their taxes, criminals are also hard at work — attempting to steal their money. While there are several...
Charitable Contributions
ARE MY CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS DEDUCTIBLE? ? Don't listen to rumors, know the law! If you donate items or money to charities, be sure to...
Want to live longer? Reduce Stress. How can I help you with that, you ask? Tax preparation. Don't just do your taxes annually, let me he
New Services For You!!!
So... just when you thought you knew what Morales Services was all about, I've added a few things. Well, actually, a couple of these...