New Year, New You!
With the beginning of a new year always comes resolutions. Whether it's to eat healthier, exercise, keep your house cleaner, be nicer to strangers, or get your paperwork organized... WE KNOW YOUR TIME IS VALUABLE! And it's so hard to stick to all those other resolutions, but getting that important paperwork signed and notarized can be easy... just give us a call! We can meet you whenever, wherever it's convenient and save you time and money on brick and mortar notary services.

Don't delay... get that paperwork out of the way! I have been in the business of legal paperwork for over 25 years, and I find myself procrastinating from time to time. But your excuses are over because I will meet you at work on your break, at a coffee shop, or even a clothing store. There is no public place I won't go, and not many non-public places I won't go to make life easier for you. Call and ask for Shelley and just see for yourself the difference a mobile notary can make in your life.