3rd Estimated Payment due
Each year you should be making estimated payments to avoid underpayment penalties from the IRS.
Check your 2023 tax return to see what your estimated payments are for 2024. If your income has changed and you have W2 income, you may adjust your Federal withholding by submitting a W4 instead of making estimated payments. We can help you estimate your tax and how much to withhold. We can also prepare the W4 for you to give to your employer.
If you are self employed, these dates are very important to you since taxes are not automatically withheld from your income.
PUT THESE DATES ON YOUR CALENDAR & the payments in your budget!
April 15th - 1st estimated payment (if you didn’t pay this, you should pay with subsequent payment/s)
June 17th - 2nd estimated payment (if you didn’t pay this, you should pay with subsequent payment/s)
Sept 16th - 3rd estimated payment
Jan 15th - final estimated payment (Ask about Safe Harbor payments).
 Contact us today to set up a consultation for your tax review! The sooner, the better so you're not stuck with a huge tax bill and/or penalties in 2025.
Shelley H. Morales is your Hometown Accountant! www.hometownaccountant.comÂ
352-358-1413 (text/call)Â info@hometownaccountant.com