Uh-Oh! IRS admits mistakes
The IRS recently sent letters (also called form 6419) & indicated the amount you allegedly received in Advanced Child Tax Credits. Unfortunately yesterday the IRS advised that many of those letters include incorrect amounts!
UPDATE FEB 1, 2022: IRS says eve your child tax credit portal may have incorrect amounts! IRS ACTC Fact Sheet
But don’t worry, the correct information will be on your IRS Account Transcript. If you do not agree with the amount in the letter that the IRS alleges you received, visit www.HometownAccountant.com/file-share in the Tax Preparation folder for instructions about how to pull your transcript. For an additional fee we will pull the transcript for you so that you know your ACTC reconciliation is accurate.
call/text 352-358-1413 www.HometownAccountant.com/contact-us