End of Year Tax Checklist
Don't be a procrastinator! Start off your year right by downloading your FREE tax prep checklist. Visit our website www.moralesservicesinc.com/file-share/ for the list and more interesting information.
Call Morales Services at 352-358-1413 or send an email to info@moralesservicesinc.com and see how we can help you today with bookkeeping, accounting, payroll, taxes, and even business setup.

The end of the year is quickly approaching. Consider the following suggestions to help maximize your tax deductions and minimize your tax liabilities for this year:
~Make donations to your favorite local charity.
~~Donate highly appreciated stock to charity in lieu of cash
~~Clean up and donate furniture, clothing and toys.
~~Consider making several year's contributions all at once to maximize savings.
~Make an extra mortgage payment.
~If you've incurred a lot of medical expenses this year, pay as many more as you can before December 31st
~Max out Health Savings Account contributions.
~Update your income data with the Health Insurance Marketplace
~Maximize 401(k) contributions.
~Defer end of year bonuses to January.
~Consider if you have any capital losses that you can realize by December 31st.
~Meet the December 31st deadline if you plan to convert an IRA to a ROTH.
~If you're a small business owner, ditch worthless equipment or property rather than selling it for a nominal loss.
~Make estimated payments, if applicable.
Of course, no one list covers all scenarios for every person or business. To find out if you should do any or all of the above, DO NOT DELAY, Call or Make an appointment with us.
Feel free to share this with friends who may need this information.
Morales Services Inc.
1 (352) 358-1413
~~~ Don't forget! We provide mobile notary services 24/7/365, so if you have documents that need to be finalized, NO EXCUSES!!! Stop procrastinating and give us a call today! ~~~